Boris Jäger – Gutachter für die Veranstaltungsreihe ‘Knowledge Systems’ der HICSS’11

jaegerWM Artikel-LogoAuch dieses Jahr wird Boris Jäger von jaegerWM wieder zwei Artikel für die ‘Knowledge Systems’, eine Veranstaltungsreihe, welche im Rahmen der ‘Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences’ durchgeführt wird, begutachten.

“…the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) is one of the longest-standing continuously running scientific conferences. This conference brings together researchers in an aloha-friendly atmosphere conducive to free exchange of scientific ideas….

Recent research that shows HICSS ranked second in citation ranking among 18 Information Systems (IS) conferences[1], ranked third in value to the MIS field among 13 Management Information Systems (MIS) conferences[2], and ranked second in conference rating among 11 IS conferences[3]. …

Knowledge Systems recognizes the evolving nature of work and society to being knowledge based. Competitive pressures are forcing organizations to do more with less and to leverage all they know to succeed. Knowledge systems are those systems developed to facilitate collaboration, knowledge capture, storage, transfer and flow; knowledge use; as well as to foster creativity and innovation. This track explores the many factors that influence the development, adoption, use, and success of knowledge systems. These factors include culture, measurement, governance and management, storage and communication technologies, process modeling and development. The track also looks at the societal drivers for knowledge systems including an aging work force, the need to distribute knowledge and encourage collaboration in widely dispersed organizations and societies, and competitive forces requiring organizations of all types to adapt and change rapidly.” (Quelle: HICSS)

Die für die HICSS eingereichten Artikel werden von mehreren Fachmännern und -frauen begutachtet. Dieses Vorgehen sorgt für eine Auswahl qualitativ hochwertiger Artikel für die Konferenz.

“Every paper submitted to HICSS is reviewed by a total of at least three experts in the respective field. Acceptance rates are typically lower than 50 percent.

Over the years, the rigorous peer review process has helped to produce an impressive body of high-caliber conference proceedings, which contribute to better understanding and development of the various academic fields covered by HICSS.”

Der eine Artikel, den Boris begutachten wird, ist für die ‘Knowledge Sytems’-Teilveranstaltung ‘Web 2.0/3.0 Technologies, Mashups, KM Tools, and Design Sciences Approaches’ eingereicht worden. Es geht darin um Enterprise 2.0, den Einsatz von Sozialer Software im Unternehmen, und deren effektive Gestaltung. Der zweite Artikel, eingereicht für die Teilveranstaltung ‘Knowledge Management/Organizational Memory Success and Performance Measurements’, dreht sich um die Vermeidung von Risiken bei Informationstechnologien durch wissensbasierte Quantifizierung.

Bildnachweis: HICCS-Logo © Shidler College of Business
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Boris Jäger ist der Inhaber von jaegerWM. Mit den Themen Web- und Wissensmanagement sowie deren Verknüpfung beschäftigt er sich schon seit seinem Studienaufenthalt in den USA 1998/99.

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